Rode Hard And Put Away Wet

my God, where do these days go?

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Redux

The blogging world is a wonderful thing, and I'm happy about it. This week, I've come across two blogs that are just plain gorgeous, and are as different as night and day.

Ken Begg, the High Priest of Jabootu, a fantastic site in its own right, has begun blogging. It's a great examination of really, really, really, terribly bad movies (and other stuff, too). Ken has been my lifeline for years, letting me know that I'm not alone in the world in my love of cinema terrible.

Jabootu's Bad Blogging Dimension

The other site that I just came across today belongs to a young lady who goes by the name of Breezy. I don't know much about her, or the site, but it's good stuff nonetheless. Plus, if you look at her blogger profile, her favorite musicians are Sufjan, Page France, Death Cab, etc. Anyway, it's good stuff. Check it out.

My Tornado is Resting


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